Sunday, 1 April 2012

Sunday Times Where Was I?

Not too difficult this week, near as I can figure it, the answers are:

1. Elcho Castle

2. April Fool

The initial clues put us in Glenrothes, a new town next to Loch Leven. There are several islands on loch Leven, two of the more well known ones are St Ser(f)'s and Castle Island, where king R(o)bert the II of Scotland (b1316), was imprisoned. The sixteenth century tower house to the north of Loch Leven, which from the satellite picture, appears to be roofless, is Bur(l)e(i)gh castle.

A castle, five miles to the north east of Burleigh castle, is Ba(l)vaird castle (late 15th century) and north east from there, on the south bank of the Tay, is Elch(o) castle (described as a 16th century fortified mansion). To get to Elcho castle from Burleigh castle, the author has likely crossed the meandering river Ea(r)n.

Travelling south east from Elcho castle takes us to the village of (A)bernethy and its 72 foot Celtic tower. The roman fort near there is called Car(p)ow.

This gives the letters


which can be rearranged to give APRIL FOOL

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